Pressure from pension plan participants and other stakeholders has grown significantly in importance as a rationale for asset ...
A survey of more than 500 portfolio managers has shown that, even when they are running dedicated sustainability strategies, ...
Plus: PME pledges to invest in nuclear power plants; Pension funds accused of focusing excessively on sustainability in their ...
The German government coalition partners social democrats (SPD), the Greens and the liberal party (FDP), have shown disagreements as Parliament (Bundestag) starts the debate today on reforming the ...
China’s recent announcement to gradually increase the retirement age over the next 15 years marks a significant shift in its social policy landscape.
For US small caps, it has once again entrusted management to William Blair, which previously also ran a growth mandate.
Current proposals to use similar EU-wide pension products in company pension schemes 'are out of place', says Dirk Jargstorff ...
Plus: Northern Trust Asset Management names head of global institutional client group; HSBC AM appoints global CIO ...
Jonathan Bailey highlights the importance of financial materiality in standard setting, particularly for topics like ...
Before the end of the year, there will be 11 insurers providing quotes on deals, more than ever before in the UK and showing ...
The Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures will ensure that tackling inequalities is a top priority ...
The Italian pension fund for the chemical sector, Fonchim, is tendering five mandates worth €2.71bn to invest assets in fixed income and equity via its sub-funds ‘Stabilità’ and ‘Crescita’.