Marie Slaughter look past the platitudes in the UN’s Pact for the Future and glimpse the contours of a new multilateral ...
Yanis Varoufakis explains why a much-anticipated report on the future of the European Union will be praised and then ignored.
Paola Subacchi proposes ways to reduce low-income countries’ debts and expand their access to affordable finance.
Anne-Marie Slaughter urges the EU to begin preparations for a prolonged, but not permanent, division of Ukraine, considers ...
Jeffrey Frankel shows why the 39th president of the United States was more successful than previously believed.
Laurence Tubiana & Ana Toni explain how to build a broad-based consensus for policies that accelerate the green transition.
Gordon Brown urges global policymakers to ensure access for all schoolchildren in the world’s poorest regions.
Carme Artigas & James Manyika outline steps policymakers can take to ensure that the benefits of emerging applications are ...
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Marcelo Mena & Sarah Ann Smith urge China and the United States to take the lead in committing to cut emissions from super ...
Carl Bildt argues that while neither side can attain victory, peace remains plausible if certain conditions are met.
Robert Skidelsky makes the case that policymakers should focus on stimulating economic growth rather than on budget cuts.