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Last week's paper detailed the obscene rise in electricity costs and that 42% of the bill was attributed to supply. Glad you shut down those offshore wind farms ...
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Cape May - Republicans need to get a backbone and stop not addressing the disgusting behavior of your party members. I am a Republican voting for Democrats 2024. I can't wait! Thank you for reading & ...
So Harris, who is all over the place with her policy lately telling me she’s desperate has come out with a policy to give “new” people who want to start a ...
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It seems a contradiction that police would be in the corner of a president that pardoned a drug dealer Who was a cop killer. Sentenced to life. A drug kingpin convicted i ...
Pamela Brown, Jeremy Herb, and Shoshana Dubnow of CNN reported that Trump’s most recent financial form reveals that Melania was paid $237,000 to appear at a camp ...
Republicans talk a big game about supporting police, yet allow AR-15s, bump stocks and a flood of handguns into our cities. Then our officers have to fight wars against ...
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