Widespread volcanic ashfall in the event of a major North Island eruption is one of New Zealand’s key natural hazards  - ...
A commercial fishing vessel that ran aground in Auckland’s Ōrākei Marina after skipper missed tide timings while refuelling ...
A 7-year-old boy was refused a passport for a family holiday because his name was a copyright infringement of the Star ...
An intoxicated man was taken into custody after his plane landed at Wellington Airport last night, after reports of “mid-air ...
It looks like there's going to be a referendum after all, not the one that David Seymour wants, but a referendum on whether ...
A man is facing serious charges, including allegedly strangling a police dog unconscious and endangering transport, after he ...
A growing trend of cocktail kegs has made its way to New Zealand.  Some in the hospitality industry say mass batches of ...
Australia’s Labour party has fallen to its lowest level since the election in the latest poll.  Meanwhile, migrant intake has ...
The Longer the Better/Changing Car Story/Mind Your Language/Just Do It/Were You E ...
Troubled dual-listed building giant and manufacturer Fletcher Building has gone into a trading halt, announcing it wants to ...
A decision around extending political terms from three years to four may be put to voters in the next election.  Prime ...
I am excited by the prospect of a vote with my vote next election.  The suggestion from the Prime Minister is we could be ...