From the get-go, Zeal and Ardor show they know how to create drama through their music and presence alone. Silhouetted and hooded in a line, they enter to stark drumbeats, an echoing whistle ...
But there’s a sense that what we’ve seen from her up until now – mostly bouncy euro power metal mixed with with piano-heavy emotional solos – is only part of the story. This is less an album and more ...
Nightwish aim incredibly high on their new album. ’Yesterwynde’, the (mostly) Finnish symphonic metallers’ tenth outing, “describes a feeling that cannot be found in any human language” according to ...
On the face of it, Burn it Down should never have worked. Little old Torquay just doesn’t host award-winning festivals – or at least, it never used to. Six iterations in, however, and the Best Micro ...
With the conclusion of their debut album’s ten year anniversary tour last year, it could be easy for a band like Foxing to rest on their laurels, feet up. But that’s not Foxing. With every release, ...
Deep beneath Charing Cross station, something evil lurks. When Bambie Thug, Eurovision enigma and PVC gender disrupter, promises a brief early set at iconic gay bar Heaven, you can’t ignore the siren ...