Pakistan witnessed a series of violent attacks throughout Balochistan province where Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) ...
For India, Pakistan and Bangladesh's defence cooperation is reason for concern. The long, porous border between India and ...
New Delhi, which has historically had close diplomatic and strategic ties with Moscow, is forging an independent path open to ...
India’s superpower ambitions require a comprehensive strategy to use the Indian education sector, both private and government ...
However, religion, domestic compulsions and failure to improve political conditions, with or without national elections, have ...
In a way, Sri Lanka's economic crisis has served as a blessing in disguise, bringing India and Sri Lanka closer as South ...
The Cold War had some rules, but today “we are in a purgatory of polarity” where the world has not reached a state of ...
India’s superpower ambitions require a comprehensive strategy to use the Indian education sector, both private and government ...
For Afghans to find their own solutions they need an engaged international community inside Afghanistan.  The more isolated ...
The recruitment of Nepali Gorkhas into the Indian Army being stopped after 77 years post-Independence is not only going to be ...
Then there is the thorny issue of "Lar o Bar," a nationalist idea that has long existed on the fringes of Pashtun politics.
The region and the world should reconsider their policies toward Afghanistan and the Taliban. They must assist the ...