Congress is working to pass a bill to avoid a government shutdown and boost security for presidential candidates.
WASHINGTON - Texas Republicans appeared divided Wednesday on whether to support a budget resolution that would avoid a ...
The House is expected to hold a vote Wednesday afternoon on a bill that would avert a government shutdown at the end of the ...
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) predicted the measure would pass by a wide margin despite grumbling from some ...
The House on Wednesday is poised to pass a funding bill to avert a government shutdown next week after it removed a proposal ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress is expected Wednesday to give swift approval to a temporary spending bill that would keep federal ...
The is expected to vote Wednesday on a short-term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown, after stripping a Donald Trump ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress is expected Wednesday to give swift approval to a temporary spending bill that would keep federal ...
Speaker Mike Johnson is once again turning to Democrats to supply the bulk of the votes to keep federal funding flowing ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced the Senate will vote Wednesday afternoon on a stopgap measure funding ...
Washington — The House is set to vote Wednesday on a stopgap measure to keep the government funded for three months, after ...
House leaders unveiled on Sunday their new legislation to avert a shutdown at the end of the month and fund the government ...