Learn about the new strategy developed for young Queenslanders that reflects the emerging issues and challenges faced by young people.
Live Music Venue Business Grants (the Fund) is a program of the Queensland Government’s Grow 2022-2026 action plan, the second action plan for Creative Together 2020-2030. The Fund forms part of the ...
The Growing Gigs Fund (the Fund) is a program of the Queensland Government’s Grow 2022-2026 action plan, the second action plan for Creative Together 2020-2030. The Fund forms part of the Queensland ...
We introduce Tori-Jay's fabulous artworks that she created for use throughout these pages and within the Young Queenslanders Strategy printable version and its ...
[Speaker 1] What is important to you as young Queenslanders? No, you go. [Speaker 2] Um, what's important to me as a young Queenslander? Uh, equitable educational opportunities regardless of status, ...
Life is a journey, and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to navigating its early stages. The Young Queenslanders Strategy recognises a young person’s right to choose the pathways they take in ...
[Speaker 1] We are the First Nations Youth Strategy Engagement Group. We are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from nations, communities, and countries from across Australia, who call ...
The Young Queenslanders Strategy helps us to create the systems, structures and enablers that will support and empower every young person to navigate their lives with ...
Your licence history includes information about your licence and any other identification cards that the Department of Transport and Main Roads has issued to you. You can also use a licence history ...
Please use the communications kit and branded assets to share and promote SVA Month with your community and networks. You can download: SVA Month 2024 stakeholder ...
[Speaker 1] This strategy is for [the] young people of Queensland who inspired us to advocate [for] our families and communities who supported and cared for us and the young people of tomorrow for ...
Young people are an essential part of Queensland's future success. We owe it to them to nurture their dreams and aspirations for a better future. Queensland is home to over 911,158 young people. All ...