Inaugurated in 1972, the Government Office in Brussels seeks to promote Québec and its interests in Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, as well as within the European institutions. The ...
The school must submit a report card to parents at the end of each of the three terms in the school year. In secondary school, the report card indicates the competency evaluated for each subject, its ...
It is possible to pay the apostille application fee online with a credit card. You may also pay by bank draft or include a money order with your request. Personal cheques are not accepted. Before ...
These individuals transpose texts from one language into another, faithfully conveying the message. They translate various types of written documents (literary works, school textbooks, research ...
As of February 26, 2025 and until February 26, 2026, the Québec government has set a maximum number of applications for temporary selection for studies for each educational institution, school service ...
The Québec Education Program (QEP) comprises a structured set of elements that facilitate the successful completion of the educational project described therein. The various components of the QEP are ...
Bachelor of Arts - Major in Modern Languages (German Studies) Bachelor of Arts - Major in Modern Languages (Hispanic Studies) Bachelor of Arts - Major in Modern Languages (Japanese Studies) Bachelor ...
Demain est la Journée internationale des droits des femmes. Découvrez 3 femmes qui ont marqué l’histoire du Québec.
La Délégation générale du Québec à Paris (DGQP) est la représentation diplomatique du Québec en France. Elle représente le ...
Ce Muni-Express traite du Règlement imposant des conditions à l’attribution de certains contrats d’approvisionnement par des ...
L’information sur les programmes, mesures et services gouvernementaux destinés aux personnes handicapées et à leur famille ...
MONTRÉAL, le 4 mars 2025 /CNW/ - En réponse aux tarifs douaniers annoncés par le président américain Donald Trump, le premier ...