The Delhi Police are set to question the family and in-laws of Puneet Khurana, a 40-year-old Delhi-based café owner, in connection with mental harassment allegations, sources said on Friday.
NEW DELHI: The Delhi Police is likely to question the family members , close friends and the in-laws of Puneet Khurana, a cafe owner who died by suicide in northwest Delhi’s Model Town area ...
CCTV footage captures a heated argument between businessman Puneet Khurana and his wife days before his suspected suicide. Khurana, alleging mental harassment over financial demands by his wife ...
The Delhi Police is likely to question the family members and the in-laws of Puneet Khurana, a cafe owner who hanged himself in northwest Delhi's Model Town area, sources said on Friday (January 3 ...
The Delhi Police is likely to question the family members and the in-laws of Puneet Khurana, a cafe owner who hanged himself in northwest Delhi's Model Town area, sources said on Friday.
Puneet Khurana hanged himself at his residence in northwest Delhi’s Model Town area on Tuesday The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication on February 2, 1881, in Lahore (now ...
New Delhi: Days after 40-year-old Delhi bakery owner Puneet Khurana died by suicide, a CCTV footage of a heated argument between him and his estranged wife surfaced online. In the purported video ...
Puneet Khurana, the famous owner of Woodbox Cafe, committed suicide after facing harassment by his estranged wife, Maneka Pahwa. Marriages, which were once considered a person's 'happily-ever-after', ...
Khurana, in the videos, described how the divorce proceedings, initiated through mutual consent, had escalated into a bitter conflict with his wife and her parents Puneet Khurana, the 40-year-old ...
The man identified as Puneet Khurana died by suicide In a video he recorded before committing suicide at his residence in the Model Town area of northwest Delhi on Tuesday. Since then the police ...
Puneet Khurana, a 40-year-old businessman from Delhi, died by suicide amid allegations of prolonged emotional harassment by his estranged wife, Manika Pahwa. Khurana's family claims constant ...
The case also gave rise to hashtags like MenToo and MensLivesMatter. Just within a few days, yet again, something similar happened as the owner of For God’s Cake bakery, Puneet Khurana, took the ...