The shooting happened in the Five Points South neighborhood, home to the University of Alabama campus and a number of bars ...
One swimmer was found washed ashore in critical condition Saturday, and two others were missing after emergency personnel ...
受到低壓帶影響全台有雨,各地災情不斷。台北市萬華區福星國小旁的有路樹倒塌,道路一度被迫中斷,還有轎車被砸中;板橋的民生中山路口也有人孔蓋出現間歇性的湧出水柱,嚇壞騎士。而高雄市六龜山區的光明巷今(22)日下午發生土石流,警消協助7名居民緊急撤離,東琉 ...
So when the first assassination attempt happened, unfounded conspiracy theories suggesting it had been staged were not only recommended directly to her feed - but were all the more convincing as they ...
中央氣象署持續發布豪、大雨特報指出,熱帶性低氣壓及低壓帶影響,易有短延時強降雨,今天屏東縣及高雄市有局部豪雨或大豪雨,台北市、新北市、桃園市、台南市及恆春半島有局部大雨或豪雨,基隆、新竹、嘉義、宜蘭、花蓮地區、澎湖、金門、馬祖及台東山區有局部大雨發生 ...
In November, clocks will turn back by an hour and millions of Americans will gain an extra hour of sleep as daylight saving ...
Kamala Harris is either deliberately being unclear or lying. Her level of sophistry is sadly common in politicians, but it ...
民眾黨主席柯文哲被羈押禁見無法對外發聲,柯文哲幕僚 陳智菡 21日以歌詞體發文感嘆柯被污蔑,結果其中一句「you never ...
Donald Trump's running mate went after the media and continued to take aim at the community rocked by his racist lie.
The GOP nominee wrote that the media mogul wanted to “crawl under a table” when she spoke with the vice president.
即時中心/顏一軒報導衛福部長邱泰源昨(21)日爆料稱,總統賴清德曾致電罵環境部長彭啓明,認為環境部未提供足夠資源讓醫療院所執行減碳,引發軒然大波;對此,邱部長立即澄清他與彭是好友,並無溝通不良的問題;而彭啓明今(22)日前往嘉義出席研討會時回應,賴總 ...