Whilst historic spaces present accessibility challenges, we’re taking steps to ensure as many people as possible can access ...
Saltram has launched HistoryScapes, an audio visual app that brings the history of the National Trust estate in Plymouth to ...
This unique trail is part of our Into the Canopies programme. Into the Canopies is a series of events specially designed to help you experience nature from new perspectives, bringing creativity and ...
As the sun sets, the Sprits of the Forest come to life. On this lantern walk, wander through the magically illuminated Debdon Valley to Cragside's giant Christmas tree. Booking essential Admission ...
Between 6 September and 20 October, Avebury Manor Garden becomes an outdoor gallery. Experience the garden's beauty and tranquillity with an exhibition of over 100 unique sculptures. Booking not ...
Ever wanted to create your own winter or Christmas Wreath for your front door. Come along to Rainham Hall Hayloft for a two hour session with florist Sam Pelly. All materials provided and includes a ...
Rainham Hall will welcome local artists and crafts makers to the Hayloft for a Christmas Fair. Its free to enter and our café will be open. Children of all ages welcome with their families. The space ...
4 October, gates open 6pm, film 7.30-9.07pm: For a Halloween experience under the stars, sit back and enjoy this vampire classic on the north lawn. Fancy dress encouraged. Wrap up warm and, unless you ...
Join us for the outdoor cinema screening of the newly released fantastic blockbuster musical ‘Wonka’. Enjoy fantastic live music artists before every screening as the sun sets, for a perfect evening ...
From Saturday 14 - Sunday 22 September we're inviting our visitors to take part in our annual apple harvest. The Mother Orchard is home to more than 300 trees and 125 different heritage varieties of ...
This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.
In celebration of UK Fungus Day, local enthusiast Ollie together with a member of the National Trust team will lead a walk through the trails of Parke to discover and identify what species of weird ...